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General questions:

Discover the basics of WordPress themes, including their importance for creating a unique web presence, compatibility with the latest WordPress version, usage of demo content, and assistance for theme installation.

Yes, Convertopia integrates seamlessly with popular platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WordPress.

Our pricing plans are flexible to fit different business needs. Visit our pricing page for more details.

Convertopia is a powerful site search solution specifically developed for retail ecommerce. It analyzes your website and customer data to learn about your business. Then, we use this information to make personalized recommendations and improve your sales.


Learn about using our themes on client websites, customizing theme code and design, renewal of theme licenses, restrictions on license transfers, and compatibility with self-hosted sites.

Convertopia analyzes your product catalog and suggests the best ways to display your products. This includes product placement, pricing, and promotions. Retailers can promote specific products through dynamic rules, boosting visibility and driving more sales.

Yes, Convertopia’s merchandising tools let you customize results to highlight seasonal promotions and featured products. You can do it manually or convertopia can automatically adjust product visibility and promotions based on the time of year. We also offer specific pricing offers on black friday & cyber Monday.

Convertopia allows you to set category-specific rules to tailor search results according to your strategy. You can manually set different merchandising strategies for different categories on the convertopia dashboard.

Yes, Convertopia can identify products that sell well together and suggest creating bundles to increase sales. Merchants can also up-sell and cross-sell products with convertopia merchandise product bundling.

Retailers can specifically use promo banners for product promotions. Other types of promotion include product promotion by SKU & attributes, showing my SKU, product spotlighting, default banner, and no result template.


Explore the support and updates that come with your theme purchase, including the duration of access, the type of support offered, how to seek assistance for theme-related issues.

Convertopia uses AI and reports & analytics to analyze user behavior and recommend products that match their preferences, increasing sales.

Yes, Convertopia’s intelligent search engine is built on this system. The recommendation engine can suggest products based on a customer’s purchase history.

Yes, Convertopia helps boost cart value by recommending complementary products through cross-selling. The innovative feature “no result page template” works this way. It increases the chances of up-selling & cross-selling.

Yes, recommendations are delivered in real-time, enhancing the customer’s shopping experience. Product recommendations are updated regularly based on new customer data and product performance.

Convertopia tracks key metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates to measure the effectiveness of recommendations.


Explore the support and updates that come with your theme purchase, including the duration of access, the type of support offered, how to seek assistance for theme-related issues.

Convertopia collects data on customer behavior, product performance, and website traffic. It offers in-depth search analytics, including search trends, popular keywords, and conversion rates.

Convertopia analytics provides insights into customer preferences, helping you make data-driven decisions. Merchants can get detailed insights into how users interact with your site, including search patterns and click-through rates.

Yes, Convertopia can identify your best-selling products and help you understand why they're popular.

Yes, you can easily export analytics data for further analysis or reporting purposes.

We take data privacy seriously. Your customer data is securely stored and protected.


Explore the support and updates that come with your theme purchase, including the duration of access, the type of support offered, how to seek assistance for theme-related issues.

Convertopia delivers tailored product recommendations, personalized website content, and targeted promotions.

Yes, Convertopia’s personalization features work seamlessly across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.

Convertopia can identify different customer groups and create personalized experiences for each segment.

Yes, Convertopia can dynamically change website content based on the visitor's preferences or behavior.

Convertopia tracks key metrics to measure the effectiveness of personalization efforts.