Terms and Conditions- Convertopia

The conditions regulate the use of our service. If you register for a free test of our service, these same conditions will also apply for the free test, except for the price (it is free) and the length which will be set unilaterally by Convertopia.

The current agreement will be valid from the date when you click on the button Sign Up which appears at the end of the signup form.

Acceptance of the conditions

When accepting these conditions or when obtaining access or using the service, it is implicit that you have read, understood, and agreed that you are bound by these conditions and that the information provided during registration is correct and complete.

If you contract the services in the name of a company or a corporate body, then the company or the corporate body holder of the contract with Convertopia accepts these conditions. At the same time, you assert and guarantee that you possess the legal capacity to bind your company or the contractor corporate body to the current terms and conditions; and that you accept the current agreement in the name of the party that you represent. If you do not possess the necessary legal capacity to bind your company or other corporate body, do not click on the button (Sign Up) that appears at the end of the signup form.

Convertopia and their subsidiary companies, managers, executives, and members of staff are exempt from responsibility for the claims, lawsuits, or legal actions that can be derived from the use of the services or the infringement of the conditions or that are related to them, including whatever responsibility or expenses that derive from the claims, losses, damages, lawsuits, trials, court, and lawyers’ fees.

You accept that these Terms and Conditions constitute a contract between you or your Client and Convertopia – despite being an electronic contract and not a physical one–, signed by you and Convertopia; and these conditions determine the use of the service and replace any other agreement between you or your power grantor and Convertopia.

Service Description
The service includes the Convertopia search service and any other services provided based on the subscribed plan. The new features added to increase the service are also subject to these conditions.

The service can also include basic or extended support based on the acquired service plan. Convertopia will do everything in its power to make the service available, except (a) the predetermined inactivity period (of which you will be notified in advance), or (b) nonavailability owing to circumstances beyond our control, for example, in case of force majeure, warrant fulfilments, terrorist attacks, civil riots or any other acts and events out of our control.

Our service is based on the cloud computing services of third parties. If these services were temporarily not rendered owing to circumstances beyond Convertopia’s control, we will not be responsible for Convertopia service unavailability.

Service Provider
Convertopia service is supplied through Convertopia S.L. (Convertopia from now on), whose registered office is located at 86-90 Paul Street, London, United Kingdom EC2A4NE to which the ownership of them belongs.

Object and Length
Convertopia commits to providing Convertopia services to the Client, according to what is specified in these general contract conditions and the specific conditions if any.

The General service conditions are published and updated on the Convertopia website. We recommend you to revise them regularly as the General conditions published in the website are always valid.

The client is not committed to the acquisition of the service for a predetermined period. The service will be provided either annually or monthly at the choice of the customer. With prior notice, you can cancel the contract at the end of the year or month, depending on the type of contract.

Convertopia will maintain the service during that year or month, without prorating the payment of this period.

There will not be reimbursements nor credit for partial periods of service, reductions in the plans, or reimbursements for unused time.

Service Use
To use our services you must be a Client of Convertopia. You can create your own Convertopia account or it can be assigned to you by our authorized staff.

The use of our services entails the acceptance of these conditions. We can withdraw or cancel our services if you do not comply with our policies or conditions or in case of misconduct.

The contract with Convertopia entitles us to send you the contact data you have given us, or through third parties, service notices, administrative messages, and other kinds of information, including commercial reports relating to our services.

The Client does not accept:
Contract, subcontract, sell, resell, let, rent, transfer, hand over, distribute, share with a third party, or commercially operate or make the service available for third parties, except what is expressly permitted in these conditions.

Modify, adapt, or hack the service to spuriously involve Convertopia in any sponsorship or association, or try to obtain access not authorized to the service or related systems or webs.

Use the service in any illegal form, including but not limited to the infringement of the rights of privacy, and intellectual property, or send spam, duplicated, or unwanted messages violating the applicable law.

Use the service in any way that can interfere with or suspend the service integrity or its components.

Try to decode, decompile, or apply reverse engineering, or any other way to find out the software source code that the service is composed of.

Use the service to publish, load, link, send, or store any content, knowing perfectly well that it is illegal, racist, hateful, obscene, discriminatory, or that contains any kind of virus, malware, trojans, timebombs or any other similar form of harmful software.

Try to use the service infringing these conditions.
The Client is responsible for all the information, data, text, messages, or other material that he/she sends or transmits through the service. He/she is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his username and account and is fully responsible for all the activities carried out in his/her username or account.

The Client will be able to create third-party accounts to use the contracted service. The Client is also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the name of third-party users and sub-accounts, being responsible for every activity carried out in the name of these third parties.

Your Content in our service
Some of our services involve the collection of content or databases that do not belong to Convertopia. These contents are the property and exclusive responsibility of the individual or entity that contracts the Convertopia services.

The Client expressly undertakes not to incorporate into Convertopia services contents of a racist, xenophobic, or pornographic nature. We can revise the contents to determine any illegality or infringements to our policies and eliminate or deny the Client our services in case we have sufficient reasons to consider infringement of our policies or the law. However, this possibility does not necessarily mean that we revise content so it should not be assumed that we will do so.

When uploading content or sending it by other means, if you use our services you grant Convertopia a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, communicate, publish, publicly display, or show and distribute such content on the website of the client.

Convertopia will solely use the rights conferred by this license to render, promote, and improve our services and develop new ones.

For more information about how Convertopia uses and stores content, please go to our Privacy Policy. Convertopia will be able to use the commentaries and suggestions that you send about our services without any previous commitment whatsoever.

Price and Payment forms
Convertopia will charge annual payment for the use of the services, the contracted period is annually or monthly, and payment is in advance. The amount will be determined by the Particular conditions of the services contracted by the Client.

VAT will be added to the services contracted by the Client. This VAT will be the applicable rate at that time for the type of services rendered. Any other tax imposed on the service supplies will be added to the amount of the contracted services.

The Client can pay for the services through the payment options outlined below:

All payments shall be made in Dollars ($) by the following methods:

  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Debit credit

Data Modification
It is the Client’s responsibility to keep Convertopia properly updated on any change of bank card, PayPal account, or current account for the charge of the provided services. If the Client fails to do so, he/she commits to paying all the expenses arising from the cost of the returned bills for this reason.

Price Revision
When the contracted requests are consumed, the service is suspended until the renewal of the following contracted period. To ensure that such an interruption does not take place, it should be the Client who has to contract another service period.

Overdue Payments
The maturity of invoices occurs on the date of issuance. From this given date, they shall be considered as late payments.

Suspension for non-payment

Temporary Suspension

If the client does not pay the amount owed in 15 days, Convertopia will temporarily suspend the use of its service to the client. The duration of the suspension will last until the client pays the amount owed to Convertopia.

Subscription cancellation
Convertopia will cancel the client’s subscription for the breach as in Section 9.3, within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

The Client will not be able to make any payments to Convertopia for the services with a reduction of the taxes that the rendered services levy. If Convertopia is compelled to collect or pay taxes, these taxes will be invoiced to the Client, unless he/she provides Convertopia with a valid tax exemption certificate issued by the competent tax authority.

If the enforced laws require the Client to withhold taxes from his/her payments to Convertopia, he/she should provide an official tax certificate or any other relevant document to Convertopia in order to justify such obligations.

Client Obligations
The Client should, at all times, make correct use of the contracted services and undertakes to maintain the strictest confidentiality relating to the access account as well as the access password to the Client’s private area provided by Convertopia. The Client expressly accepts that the access account and password, and the Client’s private area content are confidential, non-transferable, and do not have a commercial use.

The Client expressly undertakes not to use Convertopia services to include racist, xenophobic, or pornographic content and, in general, nor to produce, suggest, or encourage executing any activities prohibited by law.

The Client undertakes to pay Convertopia services according to the Particular and General conditions established at the beginning of the contract and in their successive updates.

The Client’s obligations regulated by the present General Conditions constitute essential terms of the current contract. In case of a breach of contract of whatever of the aforementioned terms, Convertopia shall be free to suspend immediately the contracted services, without detriment to the damage compensations that may derive from such breach.

Convertopia Obligations, Responsibilities and Guarantees

Convertopia offers its services with a reasonable level of competence and diligence from a commercial point of view and we hope you enjoy using them. Nevertheless, we cannot offer guarantees about some aspects of our services.

Neither Convertopia nor its suppliers or distributors offer specific guarantees for services distinct from the ones expressly established in these conditions. For example, Convertopia does not offer any guarantee about the service contents, its specific functions, reliability, availability, or capacity to satisfy your needs. The services are offered “as such”. It is you who decides whether to contract them or to end them if they do not satisfy your expectations.

Some legal systems establish specific guarantees, such as an implicit commerciality guarantee, suitability for a particular purpose, and contract breach. As much as the law permits, Convertopia excludes all guarantees.

In the cases permitted by law, neither Convertopia, its suppliers nor its distributors will be responsible for profit, income, data losses, financial losses, or indirect damages, special, derived, exemplary, or punitive.

As much as the law permits, Convertopia’s total coverage, and that of its suppliers and its distributors for any reclamation related to these conditions, including any implicit guarantee, will be limited to the amount that you have paid to use the services (or, if Convertopia decides to do so, to service resumption).

In no case, Convertopia or its suppliers or its distributors will be responsible for any loss or damage which are not reasonably predictable.

The use of our services does not make you the titleholder of any of these intellectual property rights, or of the contents you gain access to. These conditions do not give you the right to use the trademarks or the logotypes used in our services. Do not eliminate, occult, or alter the trademarks, logotypes, or legal notices that are shown in our services.

Confidentiality, Data Protection and Security
Convertopia Privacy Policy explains the private data treatment and the protection of privacy when using our services. If you use our services you accept that Convertopia uses such data by its Privacy Policy. We recommend you to read them carefully.

In the rendering of the service, we shall maintain administrative, physical, and technical security measures to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of your data. These security measures include the encoding of your data during transmission (the use of SSL technologies or similar) except certain external integrations of third parties that are not compatible with the coding.

You accept that Convertopia may access your account information to answer your service application request. We shall not reveal this data, except if we are legally required, authorized by you, or by the terms of the Convertopia Privacy Policy.

Service Modifications and Resolutions
Convertopia constantly changes and improves its services. For this reason, we may add or eliminate certain functions or characteristics, notice will be given well in advance of any changes that may affect the service.

Convertopia can modify these conditions in order, for example, to reflect changes in the legal system or the services. We recommend you consult the conditions regularly.

Convertopia will publish notices related to the modification of these conditions on this same page. The modifications will not be applied retrospectively and they will come into effect in not less than 15 working days after its publication date on the web.

Nonetheless, the modifications that affect new functions of our services or the changes made for legal reasons will come into effect immediately. If you do not accept the modified conditions of our services, you should stop using these services.

These conditions govern the relation between Convertopia and you or your power grantor, and they do not generate any right that can benefit a third party.

If you do not obey these Provisions and Convertopia does not take any action about it immediately, it will not be understood that Convertopia resigns any rights at its disposal (as, for example, to take legal actions in the future).

In the case that a determined condition is not legally binding by law or by a court decision, the rest of the conditions will not be affected.

You can stop using our services at any given moment. Similarly, Convertopia can stop providing its service or add or create new limitations at any given moment, with notice given in advance in order not to undermine the client’s service.

We consider that you are the owner of your data and that it is important to maintain your access to them. If we interrupt a service, in the cases that it is possible, we will inform you with sufficient time and we will permit you to extract the information from the service.

Both parties are empowered to annul the present contract in the event of concurring any of the general annulling reasons established by law and, in particular, in the event of a contract breach.

Regulations and Legislation
Both Convertopia and the Client accept to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United states to resolve claims derived from these conditions or Convertopia services.

The laws in force in the United States will apply to any lawsuit that derives from these conditions or the services or that is related to them, without the dispositions having any effect on the conflict of laws.

If any disposition from these conditions is considered by a court of competent jurisdiction as inapplicable, the rest of the dispositions in these conditions will remain in force.

Non Renouncement
The failure by Convertopia to enforce any of the terms of these conditions at any particular moment does not imply the renouncement of such dispositions or any other of the dispositions.