Site Search

Why your ecommerce store needs an internal site search?

Why Your E-Commerce Store Needs an Internal Site Search?

“Ecommerce stores that implemented internal site search are 30% more successful and boost 50% conversion than those who don’t.” Stats are a truth bomb, one can’t deny. This highlights the power of a well-implemented internal site... Read More
What is autocomplete in ecommerce search

What Is Autocomplete in E-Commerce Search? A Complete Guide

Here's a staggering fact: Did you know that ecommerce sites with effective autocomplete functionality see a 25% increase in conversion rates compared to those without? Well, these stats describe the obvious plus points of implementing autocomplete... Read More
Top 7 ecommerce site search practices in 2024

Top 7 E-Commerce Site Search Practices in 2024

Do you wonder why every click counts and every second matters in an ecommerce store… because people are busy and impatient. They want quick results. In the competitive world of ecommerce, the efficiency of an ecommerce... Read More
How does the search work on an e-commerce site?

How Does The Search Work on an E-Commerce Site?

From planning a trip to buying a dress online, text search plays a crucial role in helping users find what they're looking for on this vast, worldwide web. Effective e-commerce search relies on detailed product descriptions... Read More
Top 6 Features to Consider When Selecting a Site Search Tool

Top 6 Features To Consider When Selecting a Site Search Tool

Adding certain features to your online store's search engine automatically reduces the number of people who leave your site without buying anything. It's true! It is closely related to selecting the greatest site search function when... Read More
How To Use Site Search to Analyze User Intent

How To Use Site Search To Analyze User Intent

User intent is the most fundamental thing to consider when making sales in the e-commerce world. Guess what? You don’t know what your customers want or how you can deliver their desired results. If e-commerce stores... Read More
5 Best E-commerce site search strategies to boost conversion

5 Best Ecommerce Site Search Strategies To Boost Conversion

Let’s start with a real talk! Is it website design, product page optimization, personalization strategy, or something else entirely? What truly makes an e-commerce store stand out? Marketers and website managers often need to pay more... Read More
Boost your sales through convertopia site search tool

Boost Your Sales Through Convertopia Site Search Tool

E-commerce site owners often need to pay more attention to the importance of having a site search tool in their stores. You may notice that woocommerce and Magento provide basic search functionality. But to meet the... Read More